PRIMACO Jobs 2021 | Punjab Industrial Estates Investment Company


Education: Bachelor, DAE
Job Location: Islamabad
Address: Manager HR,
2nd Floor, EOBI
House, Mauve
Area G-10/4,
Last Date: 24 November 2021


Sr. No Post Name                                                                                           
1. Project Manager
2. Resident Engineer Mechanical
3. Assistant Resident Engineer Civil
4. Assistant Resident Engineer Mechanical
5. Planning Engineer
6. Quality Surveyor QEC
7. Site Inspector Electrical
8. Site Inspector Mechanical
9. Driver
10. Assistant IT

How to Apply:

  1. The application form can be downloaded from
  2. Interested Candidates should send their CV before the last date, to the given address.
  3. Only short-listed candidates called for an interview.
  4. No TA/DA shall be admissible.